TdbOcean Polls

Create your own polls and share the link with your family and friends on social media
अपने स्वयं के चुनाव बनाएं और अपने परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ लिंक सोशल मीडिया पर साझा करें


  1. Fill your correct details.
  2. Enter your question.
  3. Add possible options.
  4. Press on "Create Poll button".
Please create genuine polls.

Tab on + button to add new option
Tab on - button to delete an option (last option)

+  -


FAQs 🤔

  How do I Participate in TDB Polls?

It is very easy to attempt a poll. Just open the link provided you via social media or you can search polls by title. Open poll, Add your personal details, Choose Option and Click on submit button.
Done... You have submitted your poll.

  How do I access the results of a TDB Polls?

For accessing the result you just need to go on your polling page (via url or by searching the poll by title) and click on live result button.

  Can I share the results with other organizations?

Yes, you are allowed to share the polling data with other organizations.

More FAQs

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